Our Services

The online consultation is a simple and cost-effective consultation tool, but it is backed by expert advice - we are uniquely placed to provide support and add value to projects.

We can provide as little or as much help as you need. There’s a summary of a typical package below, but we offer a fully bespoke service. So whether you want something that’s just a simple online consultation, or you’re undertaking projects which require National Infrastructure Planning (NIP) level public consultation, then we can help.

A typical package includes:

  • Advice on the scope and form of consultation;

  • Development a dedicated project page on our website using your own images;

  • Formation of an online feedback form;

  • Production and distribution of a letter to nearest neighbours;

  • Provision of alternative feedback mechanisms (email and telephone) where required;

  • Identification of and contact with specific local groups to gather feedback; and

  • Production of a 'Statement of Community Involvement'.

We can offer an enhanced service with additional support, which might include:


Arranging additional presentational materials and images


Organising and attending public meetings


Meeting Councillors or local residents

We are happy to host your project and can provide a bespoke service to meet your needs.